Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Andalas

 Teknologi Pertanian

2579-4019 (ONLINE)

1410-1920 (CETAK)

Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Andalas (JTPA) adalah publikasi ilmiah di bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi pertanian. Artikel yang dimuat berupa hasil penelitian terkait ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi pertanian yang belum pernah dipublikasikan di media lain (kecuali dalam bentuk abstrak atau karya ilmiah akademik atau dipresentasikan dalam seminar atau konferensi).

  • Sinta 3
  • Jerami : Indonesian Journal of Crop Science

    Jerami : Indonesian Journal of Crop Science

    2654-9395 (Print)

    2655-3023 (Online)

    JERAMI, Indonesian Journal of Crop Sciences (JIJCS) is an open access and international peer-reviewed scientific journal publishing research articles, reviews and short communications in the field of crop sciences. Scope coverage of this journal includes: agronomy, crop physiology, seed science, conventional and non-conventional breeding, crop production and management, crop modelling, agroclimatology, crop and soil environmental science. JERAMI is now accepting new submissions through our online submission system.

  • Sinta 4
  • Frequency of International Relations (FETRIAN)


    2686-5122 (Online)

    Frequency of International Relations or known as FETRIAN is a Journal published by Andalas Institute of International Studies (ASSIST). It was initiated in 2018 to commemorate the founding father of the International Relations Department of Andalas University. The first issue was published in March 2019. FETRIAN welcome manuscript from all perspective and on all subject pertaining to international relations. It seeks to publish leading scholarship that engages with theoretical, empirical, and normative subject in international relations.

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  • Andalas Obstetrics And Gynecology Journal

    Jurnal Andalas Obstetric and Gynecology ,adalah bentuk adikarya dan kontribusi institusi kami terhadap ilmu pengetahuan. Berkarya berdasarkan filosofi EMAS, kemuliaannya mengambarkan niat terdalam kami untuk ikut berperan dalam memberikan corak warna terutama dalam ilmu kebidanan da npenyakit kandungan.

  • Sinta 5
  • Jurnal Biologi Universitas Andalas

    Jurnal Biologi Universitas Andalas

     2655-9587 (Online)

    2303-2162 (Print)

    Jurnal Biologi Universitas Andalas translated Journal on Biology of Andalas University (JBioUA) is a scholarly periodical. Jurnal Biologi Universitas Andalas publishes research papers, technical papers, conceptual papers, and case study reports. Jurnal Biologi Universitas Andalas’s first edition published in 2012. The journal maintained by the Biology Department at Universitas Andalas, Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia and addresses recent trends on biodiversity and conservation.

  • Sinta 4
  • Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas

    Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas



    Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas (JKA) merupakan Jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas Padang yang menerima dan menerbitkan artikel penelitian, tinjauan pustaka dan laporan kasus di bidang kedokteran dan kesehatan.

  • Sinta 3
  • JPT: Jurnal Proteksi Tanaman (Journal of Plant Protection)

    Proteksi Tanaman

    2580-0604 (Print)

    2621-3141 (Online)

    Jurnal Proteksi Tanaman (Journal of Plant Protection) merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang memuat publikasi berupa artikel hasil penelitian atau telaahan literatur atau komunikasi singkat yang berkontribusi terhadap upaya perlindungan tanaman dari hama dan penyakit tanaman. Jurnal diterbitkan dua kali dalam satu tahun (Juni dan Desember) oleh Program Studi Proteksi Tanaman Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Andalas, bekerja sama dengan Perhimpunan Entomologi Indonesia (PEI) dan Perhimpunan Fitopatologi Indonesia (PFI) Sumatera Barat.

  • Sinta 4
  • Nagari Law Review

    Jurnal Nagari Law Review

    2597-7245 (online)

    Nagari Law Review (NALREV) is a journal that addresses legal issues managed by the Faculty of Law of Universitas Andalas. The name of the Nagari Law Review was chosen based on the consideration that the name Nagari is identical to West Sumatra, where the Faculty of Law of Andalas University is located. Nagari Law Review (NALREV) is a second generation journal managed by the Faculty of Law of Universitas Andalas. It is the second generation because previously the Faculty of Law of Universitas Andalas had a print version journal namely Yustisia.

  • Sinta 3
  • International Journal of Cultural Studies Indonesia

    International Journal of Cultural Studies Indonesia is a double-blind peer-reviewed electronic journal published by Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Andalas. Academicians, researchers, and sociocultural activists are invited to submit their articles. The articles could be research report, literature review, seminar review, and book review, relevant to the mission of this journal.

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